Pizza Dough4 tablespoons of softened butter3-4 tablespoons sugar3 teaspoons cinnamon
1. Sprinkle flour on working surface and roll out the dough. Spread the melted butter across all of the dough, then sprinkle the cinnamon and sugar mixture. Roll up the dough into a long log shape. Using a sharp knife cut the log in half length-wise. 2. Braid the two halves and make sure to keep the open layered side pointing up and out. Sprinkle corn meal on the pizza peel. Place the braid on the pizza peel and bend it into a circular shape. Tuck one end under the other. 3. Apply the remaining melted butter and sugar/cinnamon mix to the top. 4. Bake in the pizza oven for 5-7 minutes until golden brown.