Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Shake
Makes about eight 8-ounce servings
Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Shake
Makes about eight 8-ounce servings
Rich and creamy milk shakes are made to perfection in your Cuisinart® PowerEdge® 1000 Watt Blender.
Nutritional information per serving: Calories 348 (33% from fat)
carb. 50g
pro. 9g
fat 13g
sat. fat 8g
chol. 29mg
sod. 167mg
calc. 305mg
fiber 1g
carb. 50g
pro. 9g
fat 13g
sat. fat 8g
chol. 29mg
sod. 167mg
calc. 305mg
fiber 1g
- 2 cups whole milk
- ⅓ cup chocolate sauce
- 6 cups mint chocolate chip ice cream (or your favorite flavor)
- Put all the ingredients, in the order listed, into the jar of your Cuisinart® Blender. Cover and Auto Pulse on High for about 25 seconds. Then run on the Ice Crush function.
- Turn the power off and serve immediately.