
Fruity Frozen Colada

Makes 36-ounce servings

Fruity Frozen Colada

Makes 36-ounce servings

Creamy coconut combined with flavorful fruit sorbet adds some zest to your colada. Add a shot of rum to suit your taste.

Calories 168 (43% from fat) · carb. 23g · prot. 1g · fat 8g · sat. fat 7g · chol. 0mg · sod. 7mg ·


1 cup pineapple juice, chilled ½ cup unsweetened coconut milk 1 scoop fruit sorbet (mango, peach, strawberry, etc.) 4 ice cubes


Place ingredients in a Cuisinart® SmartPower™ 7-Speed Electronic Blender jar in order listed. Put cover on blender jar. Turn blender ON and blend on Liquefy until smooth, about 40 - 45 seconds. Turn blender OFF. Fill 2 tall glasses with ice and pour mixture over ice. Serve immediately.